
Friday, January 13, 2012

Marriage: Definition of marriage

Marriage is an essential part of a social life though some people in the society love to live alone. Usually in past marriage used to be regarded only between man and a woman but nowadays the concept marriage is broader. Along with other issues, marriage is also an important matter in the field of Sociology. We can define marriage as follows-
·         It’s normally held in a public manner
·         Physical relationship is an inevitable condition of marriage
·         Marriage legitimizes offspring
·         Generally it’s regarded as to be stable and long term relationship

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The effect of geographical conditions

Effect of geographical condition
Geographical conditions are not same everywhere which creates differences in the living tools. You may see different types of houses in the cold area compared to the houses in the hot area. The houses in the cold area have to be built with respect to the geographical condition and this strategy also applies for the houses to be built in the hot areas. So there is no way you can ignore natural factors. Not even house, but also many other decisions are hugely affected by geographical factors. Now we will be discussing those in short. Certain trees grow only in certain place; it would be hard to find those trees other place. People’s pattern of occupation differs from place to place or even nation to nation. Even people’s physical structures are not similar all over the world. African people are more strongly built than the Asian people and European people are comparatively fairer than the Asian and African people. What you think what is the reason behind this distinction? Does Geography play any role or not? If you think yes, then you are absolutely right, geographical condition in those areas plays a major role for those differences.

Biological environment affecting society

Like physical environment, biological environment also has great impact on the society we are living in. You see different types of people in different area. European people usually have blue eyes, sharp nose and straight hair and they are sometimes called Caucasoid. In the Malaysia, China and near India, you can see people totally different from European region. People living in those areas are called mongoloid and white-brown mix skin, small eyes is their fundamental characteristic. If you go to south-west from Asia, you will be seeing people having black skin, gigantic figure and curly hair. Therefore you see structure of people differs greatly from region to region. Like biological environment, Social environment also has major influence over the society we are living in. If you are living in a well developed economy, then your lifestyle would be different from the people living in less developed society. So like biological environment, social environment also affect our society

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Different kinds of Environment affecting Society

Environment affecting society
There are physical, biological and social environment which affect the society we are living in. therefore knowing those environment could be beneficial. We will be discussing those sequentially

Physical Environment affecting Society

Whether you are living in the plains area, hills area or in desert area, certainly affect your lifestyle. If you live in hill area, you will be leading a complete different lifestyle compared to the people living in plain area. Population in plain area is visibly much greater than the hill area. Economy is also better in plain area along with better communication ways. In the plain area, you can see democratic political system like in Bangladesh but on the other hand mainly autocrat system prevails in the hill area where people are bound to follow their ruler’s orders. In the plain areas, most of the times we see homogeneous religion but on the other hand we see different religions prevail in the hill areas.